Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Touring Tasmanian schools in June

Hey Thanks for reading!
Our Tour around Tasmanian schools kicked off at the New Norfolk High this week! We presented in front of 500 kids!

We are traveling around Schools in Tasmania in June and early July, using my story and the story of other extra ordinary young people to reach out to the Students.

I am not a motivational speaker.
My job is to provoke thought and create enough curiosity so you make your own changes. You will find your own leverege to make lasting change!

I have been fortunate enough to study some of the most successful people in the world, from this I have become passionate about the fact that Young people need to be exposed to the principles of life that are often overlooked or forgotten about. Principles that have lasted through the test of time! Principles and Strategies that great people before us have used.

I believe in Australia we have a great academic education system that will set a student up for a JOB. My passion is education for life and we need to see Education for life brought into school curriculum. We need to empower and prepare our young people for a stronger future!

I hope my story can be used to make change!