Just had the sickest week!
This week I had the tough job of traveling to all the braaap stores for training, fun, and general braaapness.
I took a few pics, so see below.
Phil In Devonport, he is a kick ass designer and has developed a braaap range of merchandise, any way i took him out to loose his braaap Virginity, He hasn't quiet paid off his maestro so Dport franchisee Gaz lent him his pride and joy, gaz doesnt let any one even look at his braaap let alone ride it, They call it the Lump Pup.LOL any way we took Phil, the lump pup and a stack of petrol our riding and man was it fun!
I would love to have seen Phils face when we delivered gaz's braaap cause we managed to crash and snap the back guard! haha
Wednesday Night We rode wells RD in Frankston and banged bars til dark! It was awesome to see about a dozen or more braaap's having a blast and a heap of new riders.
I took Huddo and Mitch for their 2nd coaching lesson! The boys are getting good! we had a blast!
We always have a fair few onlookers come and ask about our bikes, I had a fair bench race with a few dudes!
Tuesday we rode the Hobart Mini SX Track! that thing was the best its ever been! man we got a buzz railing the berms and hitting the jumps! Sick Vegas practise! loved it! Langers, the Sales manager took me and streeta the Hobart workshop manager down and we slipped in a quick 2 hrs on the track!
We rode in Devonport (Ulverstone actually) with Ken Belbin, this guy is a suspension animal! we tyested forks, valves, shims, and oil weights, swapping forks and busting out Moto's! The new fork internals are night and day difference! I cant explain how much confidence it gives you having the best suspension, knowing you can go big or come up short and not snap your wrist's off from the shock..LOL
Phil didnt mind stacking our test bikes! hahah see the pic!
The red dirt was aweosme on the side of a hill, a full on European moto track!
Well Now I've had all the fun i better go check my emails and sell some god dam dirt bikes!
Live it up!
see you at the track!