There has been lots happening in the world of braaap and Brad at the moment... It's crazy and exciting!
Thanks for logging on to keep up to date.
I've been doing a lot of speaking at different events around the place and this week I was in Adelaide at the national MFAA conference. They had a world class line up of Australian and International speaker's so i was humbled to be a part of the event.
I got to listen and learn from the speakers I shared the stage with like Olympic Gold Medalist Alisa Camplin and Test cricket captain Michael Clark along with MC Tony Wilson.
My entrance... hahaha Not even a wanker hahaha
If you haven't seen me speak I'm humbled that I get to speak about my journey in turning my passion into a pathway, but really the whole presentation is about growth.
I am obsessed with consistent and compounded growth,
Einstein said - " Compounded improvement is the most powerful force in the universe"
We know the power of compounding in the form of numbers.
Eg. If we go to the golf course and you bet me 10cents a hole. I say "Ok, But double it every hole". If I win all 18 holes your on the hook for over $13,000. Starting from only 10cents!
We know the power of compounding in the form of numbers, but how do we implement compounded growth into our lives?
What happens when you mix PASSION with DIRECTION? and how do you?
Passion doesn't come from what you do, it comes from how you do it. It's the standard you hold yourself to. It comes from stretching your comfort zone and continually increasing the standard you hold your self to. That's how you grow and progress. Passion IS progress.
I'm not passionate about most of the day to day shit I do but "Passion is not in what you do, it's how you do it."
I share stories on lessons and the strategies I used to influence my direction.
Role models, peer group (proximity is power), goals and finally I finish on the topic "Throw out your excuse book"
I just wanted to post and say thanks for keeping up to date, short and sweet.
Stay in touch on Facebook, twitter, instagram - yes I'm a social media addict!
braaaaaap it up!
Brad Smith
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