Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Brad Smith Named in Top 50 entreprenuers list - Australia

Hey Guys,

Honoured to be named as one of the Top 50 entrepreneurs in Australia. 

I was asked to take a minute to give a few thoughts on what the list means to me, thought I'd post it up so y'all can have a read.

We live in a  time in history that allows us to learn almost anything we want to learn for free. If your hungry enough to find an answer I’ll bet youtube or google have an answer for you, if they don’t have an answer I’d bet facebook, twitter, instagram or a forum will be able to connect you with some one who knows what you need to know, or has the means to get the answer your seeking.

My point is that we live in the most abundant time in history.
We are not restricted by our education, heck if we want to learn something we can learn it, usually from the best in the world, from a video on youtube that we pay nothing for.

We are not restricted by Location. Geography has absolutely no relationship to success at this point in history. If your reading this then your on the internet, Im not in your office telling you my thoughts, where you are right now in the world has almost no relationship to where your going.

We are not restricted by opportunity. Opportunity is everywhere. We have the ability to sell an idea to the world from our living room, from our computer, We have the ability to seek opportunity, from our computer, we can meet people with opportunities, help people with opportunities or be entertained by opportunity. we can learn how to create opportunity and share our opportunity.

We live in the most abundant time in history, the most privlidged.
We are only restricted by our ability to think, Our ability to take action and our ability to persist.

There is 1 thing I've found in common among people who in my opinion have created successful lives. People who I seek to model my life after, people who have contributed to the world, people who have add value to society, people who have created lives of abundance, not just financial abundance, real abundance, abundance emotionally, career abundance, family abundance…. you get the picture.
The habit that Ive found common among these people is their ability to think.

I noticed they have dedicated time to think.

They have a dedicated place to think.

And maybe most importantly they have a group of people who challenged them, imspire them and demand from them higher levels of thought.

They know that people are power, we are who we spend time with. Everything we do is influenced by the people we surround our selves with.

Im honored to be surrounded by some great people, to be named in the Top 50 under entrepreneurs in Australia feels pretty cool. 

I'm curious to know the stories of the people on this list, to learn from them.

As human beings we are creatures that can learn through association, I can learn from your experience and you can learn from mine.

We don’t have to learn from our own mistakes, if I see you touch fire and get burned, I don’t have to touch it. I know its going to burn, I can see and feel through your experience that touching fire is going to hurt like hell.

I use this as an opportunity to challenge you to create your proximity list.

A list of people who you need to learn from, people who are going to inspire you to be more, to do more, and to give more, people who have done something you want to do.

A list of people you need to surround yourself with. Your proximity List.

The fastest way to get to where we want to go is to find some one who has done what we want to do, learn what they did, then do it.

Its 2014 surrounding ourselves with these people doesn’t mean we need to go to the cafe and high five each other, we can surround our selves with our proximity list on social media. My social media feed is a huge resource to me, I constantly have people who I aspire to be like posting up things they find important.
So follow your proximity list.
Read about your proximity list.
And seek to meet your proximity list.

Prxoximity is power.

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