In the first building was enough guns to take over a country at one time. The Martian was amazed.
They then moved to an even bigger shed and showed the Martian all their nuclear bombs. The room was filled from bottom to top. Just one of those bombs is enough to take out a whole country. The Martian was amazed again at all this weaponry...
They then moved on to the biggest shed of them all..
The Martian looked on anxiously..
He could not believe there was something more devastating than all those guns and bombs.
They opened the door and there in the middle of the shed was a box on a table. He was very confused. As they walked over to the table they told him to open the box but to be very careful as this was the biggest killer of them all.
He nervously opened the box and all that was in it was a seed.
Looking even more confused, he asked how that was even possible to be more devastating than the previous sheds.
The leaders of the world looked at him and told him, “This is the 'seed of doubt'. It takes peoples dreams, lives, families and kills them from the inside out and is the biggest killer in the world today.”
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What a powerful story.
The opposite to doubt is faith.
Faith is confidence or trust in a person or a thing or it could be defined as belief that is not based on proof.
Bertrand Russell said it best:
"Where there is evidence, no one speaks of 'faith'. We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence."
“When we wish to substitute emotion for evidence”
It’s so true.
It’s our job as growth people to have faith in something that does not yet exist in our physical world. There is no tangible evidence of the vision you hold in your sub-conscious mind, only the emotion we attach to it.
I’m sure you can dig deep enough to find a number of times in your life that you have had faith in your vision, so much faith that it had emotion attached to it, it moved you, it drove you to action, you created, you made it real, through the faith in your vision, your self and your world.
So the first part of my challenge to you is think about times that you have seen a thought turn into reality, you’ve seen your vision play out in real life, you’ve created the picture in your sub-conscious mind and made it real. Start small, build faith in yourself and build confidence.
Then get deliberate about the thoughts you feed your self, get disciplined, guard your thoughts, create positive thoughts and if you’re in a habit of negativity or your constantly creating thoughts that don’t serve you start taking action to break the cycle.
Motion creates emotion.
Put your headphones on and run.
Create energy in your body and chant to yourself a positive war cry, or your 5 “I AM” words (see my blog about Mums 5 “I am” power word lessons)
The human body can not produce negative emotions if you run, smile and chant at the same time. Out there I know, but try it.
If you want to know some of the chants I use email
- Brad
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